Everyone is nervous on the first day of school. I'm nervous! I usually do no sleep well the night before because I want everything to go perfect for my new kiddos. What I found most helpful is keep it simple and fun! My number one goal is to make sure my new kiddos feel safe and secure in their new classroom environment. So I begin our morning with of course...a picture. You have to take a picture of your new kiddos the first day of school. It is a must! Last year I made these cute signs for my kiddos to hold up...so darling!
The first day of school means new backpacks, new clothes, and that perfect hairstyle that you know mom made them wear. So YES do not forget to take that classic pic! It always amazes me how they really do not know me yet, but they trust me enough to take this picture. So sweet!
Another must do for me is I always read them my all time favorite First Day of School book, The Kissing Hand! The Kissing Hand touches on those first day jitters and missing mom and dad. To help my sweeties feel at ease I read them the story and then we make these precious handprint puzzles to bring home to mom and dad to remember the first day! I buy the puzzles at Morrisons's School Supply. I help each kiddo paint the palm of their hand and then place it on the puzzle.
We also spend the first week of school focusing on our names. Each kiddo gets their name puzzle in an envelope. They put their name together to make their own personal puzzle!
We jumped right into science and STEM by doing our color experiment, rainbow toast, and a carnation experiment.
Wow! What a busy first week of kindergarten! Hopefully some of that anxiety is slipping away. Join me and my blogging friends for our Linky Party.
We are giving away 2 $50 to TPT!
How FUN!!! Your First Week plans are awesome! Making puzzles & painting toast have got to be a hit in your classroom. I know we would LOVE to be in your room! We do a lot of Math Exploration the first week too with our 1-2 multi-agers;) Hope your first week is fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing~ Victoria & Tricia☺♥♥♥